storytime - explorer magazine

Fomenta tu curiosidad y fascinación por nuestro planeta mientras lees los artículos de Explorer Magazine - revista diseñada para inspirar y ayudar a los niños a preocuparse por el mundo que nos rodea y por las personas, los lugares y los animales que lo habitan -. Fun for young explorers!


What cheetahs need (learn what cheetahs need to survive) - On the move (many animals go on long trips, find out how and why they move) - Walking with camels (take awalk with an explorer, and see how camels help him on his trip)

What changes in Fall? (read about what changes in Fall) - Is it a bird? (find out what body parts all birds share) - Clouds (not all clouds are the same, find out how they are alike and different)

Dinosaurs (discover how some dinosaurs ate meat and other dinosaurs ate plants) - Volcanoes (learn about volcanoes) - A wetland (accompany an explorer as she explains what a wetland is)

Chameleons (learn how chameleons use their body parts) - Making music (explore some music and sound) - Let it glow (find out why some ocean animals light up)

Puffin parents (see how puffins raise their chicks) - A giant cactus (find about the animals that depend on a cactus) - Mirrors (read about how light bounces to make a reflection)

Mud is cool (how animals use mud to keep cool) - A butterfly is born (how this insect grows from egg to butterfly) - We need Earth (how Earth provides the things we need to live)

Saving sloths (how people are helping orphan sloths) - The problem with plastic (single-use plastics and our oceans) - Super sunflowers (growing tall sunflowers) 

Rainforest (plants and animals in a rainforest) - Where food grows (where our food plants grow) - A rare rhino (a baby rhino grows up)

Stone giants (find out about the mysterious stone statues on Easter Island) - Whale food (read about the tiny food giant humpback whales eat) - The best beak (discover why similar birds have different shaped beaks)

Making crayons (see what steps it takes to make crayons) - P is for Park (find out what lives in Gorongosa National Park in Africa) - Along came a polar bear (see how a photographer soved a problem when he lost his camera)

I spy black bears (join scientist Rae Wynn Grant as she studies black bears) - Snowman weather (discover new words that contain the word "snow") - Manatees (learn about these lovable, slow moving marine mammals from scientist Jamal Galvez)

On the move (find out how plant seeds move from one place to another) - Dog on wheels (read about Norman, the bicycling dog) - Nice to greet you (see how people around the world greet each other)

Meet a river otter (playful river otters) - Hot rocks (lava is liqud and rock is solid) - Great gifts for Earth (reduce trash for Earth Day)

Caring for wombats (how people care for homeless wombats)  - Village in the sky (what it is like to live high in the mountains?) - Life in a box (how many living things are in one small space?)

Animal groups (find out reasons why some animals live in groups) - Off to school (see how children around the world go to school) - Maps of the world (view how different maps can show us the world)

Spiders at work (see how spiders catch food) - Making pasta (learn the steps to make stuffed pasta) - Hiding in corals (find animals that live and hide among corals)

Seasons change (follow an arctic fox as its fur changes with the seasons) - Dancing dragons (see how people celebrate Chinese New Year) - Flamingo Bob (meet Flaming Bob, a wildlife ambassador)

Dragonflies (learn more about dragonflies) - Water all around (see how water moves and changes forms) - Too many snails (discover how farmers solved a problem)

Here comes the sun (see how the sun warms Earth) - Plant for the planet (meet Felix, who wants to plant trees around the world) - Dig (learn from an explorer who digs)


Extreme animals (discover how some animals go to extremes to survive) - Amazon adventure (journey into the rainforest with a teen explorer) - Wedges (learn about the wedge and how we use this simple machine)

Birds (read an opinion piece abut why we should care for birds) - My long walk (journey with an explorer as he follows in the footsteps of our ancestors) - Animal migration (discover how and why animals migrate)

Extreme plants (read about some plants that have extreme adaptations) - Lava domes (join three explorers as they investigate a volcanic landscape) - Screws (learn about the screw and how we use this simple machine)

WOMEN IN SCIENCE: Becoming Jane (find out what Jane Goodall discovered about chimpanzees) - Weaving words (see how a scientist researches languages in Peru) - Frozen: South Pole Challenge (join a young exploreer on her journey to the South Pole)

Lionfish (lionfish are an invasive species, can scietists stop them?) - Wheel and axl (learn about the wheel and axl and how we use this simple machine) - Abraham Lincoln (discover the importance of primary resources and how they are preserved)

Parrots (how the pet trade endangers wild parrots) - Pulley power (how pulleys make work easier) - Food for the future (saving plant seeds to save our future food supply)

Plastic (our plastic trash problem) - The scoop on poop (what scientists learn from animal poop) - New species (the discovery of new species)

Rhino rescue (saving the rare Sumatran rhino) - Hot and cold (what it means to be "cold-blooded") - Ocean plastics (a scientist "profiles" plastic pollution)

GALÁPAGOS: Islands born of fire (how these islands formed) - Home only here (their plants and animals) - Darwin (the naturalist Charles Darwin and his connection to the islands) - Unwanted guests (living things that don't belong here) - Land of the giants (the giant tortoise)

Everest (join the geographer Alex Tait on an expedition to Everest) - The Pearl (learn how an author uses primary sources to write an attempted escape by slaves from Washington, DC) - Glaciers (glaciologist, M Jackson is studying how climate change is affecting Earth's glaciers)

WOMEN IN SCIENCE: To catch a thief (biologist Kim Williams is protecting sea turtles) - Gorongosa's elephants (Ecologist Dominique Goncalves is focused on elephant conservation in Mozambique) - Deep dive (Beverly Goodman explores how humans and nature interact on coastlines)

Ocean supercrop (learn about growing seaweed for food) - Whale sharks (is tourism good for whale sharks?) - Snapshot of space (join scientists as they explore the solar system)

Green careers (is a green career right for you?) - Digging up history (how scientist recreate Washington's gardens) - Out of the water, into the lab (what is making sharks sick?)

WETLANDS: Balance for the bogs (Irish peat bogs are important to people and the environment)  - Flying flowers of Rwanda (a scientist assesses the health of a wetland) - Protecting the marsh (local people are protecting their wetland home) - About mangroves (protection of the Brazilian coast)

Dragonfly (discover how a dragonfly transforms itself) - Spinosaurus (follow a scientist's quest to reveal the secrets of this mysterious dinosaur) - Trash into treasure (meet Arthur Huang, architect, engineer, and explorer, who has bold plans for trash)

Make the world a better place! (creating postive change in our world comes in all shapes and sizes) - Tasmanian devils (will the Tasmanian devil win its fight against a mysterious disease?) - Artificial reefs (what looks like a natural coral reef really isn't)

WOMEN IN SCIENCE: Waiting to be discovered (Analyn Cabras in her search for beetles in the Philipinnes) - Seeking solutions (Marisa Cuevas works on solving water pollution) - Protector of the Amazon (Nemonte Nenquimo, leader of the Waorani nation, is protecting the Amazon)

Platypus (this egg-laying mammal is full of surprises) - Newfoundland wildlife (tour with the explorer Justine Ammendolia) - Iguazú Falls (travel to South America to experience one of the natural wonders of the world)

Curing what ails you (read about how plants and humans use plants as medicine) - Nature's mysteries (follow scientists as they try to solve mysteries in nature) - Lake tour (take a tour of Earth's unusual lakes)